晟基(弘宇)汽车零部件有限公司一贯生产汽车配件的;民营;企业.经过十几年的努力,现拥有厂房2500平方米,员工最多200人,技术人员多达20人. 公司创建于1990年,本公司生产转向横直拉杆、球头、滑动叉、变速杆等.,本公司以有十几年的生产经验.并且本公司经销处代销各个原厂配套方向机、转向节、实力雄厚。 本公司宗旨:为顾客提供优质的产品,满足客户的技术要求,并力争超越客户的要求,而真诚地期待你我携手并进,共创;新世纪;的美好辉煌. 晟基汽车零部件有限公司驻广东省广州弘宇汽配经营部 晟基汽车零部件有限公司驻海南省海口弘宇汽配经营部 Guangzhou hongyu automobile parts manufacture Co., LTD As one of the largest-scale van and buses suppliers in south Chinawe are engaged in the manufacture, sale maintenance and service of these products our headquarters is located in hebei Our company mainly produces all sorts of model of ball head, steering levers of unit etc With our driving force stemming from continuous technical innovation, we aim to maintain our great enthusiasm and provide lasting and high quali... [